Vipaltec is a company affiliated with Vipal Rubber, responsible for conducting tests on new and retreaded tyres, in addition to research, testing and development of new products and services in its state-of-the-art laboratory. Accredited by CGCRE – Inmetro’s General Accreditation Coordination, according to the requirements stablished by ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025:2017 regulation, Vipaltec has its processes accredited according to Accreditation scope no. CRL 0271, available on the entity’s website .
Opened in 2006 in Nova Prata/RS, Brasil, Vipaltec is yet another demonstration of Vipal’s groundbreaking spirit, as the first company in the retreaded tyre business to offer this kind of service for the industry. Serving the entyre retreading market and other companies from elsewhere in Brazil and abroad, it can conduct tests on tyres for motorcycles, automobiles, trucks and buses, with total accuracy and reliability in the results, assured by its substantial infrastructure and highly specialized team.