Vipal Rubber | MANAGEMENT POLICIES Corporate Responsability

Corporate Responsability


Corporate Responsability


We are one of the leading worldwide manufacturers of products for tyre retreading and repairing, and inner tubes.

It also offers machines and products for the industry, always focusing on quality and excellence, commitment to the environment, social responsibility, ethics and professionalism.


The sustainable purchasing policy embodies our commitment to conduct business with integrity, transparency and respect for universal human rights and environment. Aware of our influence on the supply chain, we are committed to:
  • Promoting a culture of ethics dissemination and developing the best corporate governance practices.

  • Seeking continuous improvement by developing and perfecting our suppliers, enabling them to meet sustainability expectations.

  • Monitoring suppliers in economic and socio-environmental aspects.
  • Prioritizing the relationship with partners in compliance with laws and regulations applicable to safety, health and environmental protection.


Aware of our pledge to human rights and fair labor practices, we are committed to:

  • Promoting and disseminating human rights to suppliers, customers, service providers and the community at large with special attention to vulnerable groups such as children, the disabled and the elderly.

  • Respecting the human rights of our employees and service providers, complying with applicable labor laws and regulations, providing decent working conditions.

  • Promoting educational actions that enable the professional and personal growth of our employees, valuing their contribution.

  • Providing fair compensation to our employees in line with the job market, respecting the features of each region in which Vipal Rubber operates, observing the terms of the Collective Labor Agreements and Agreements with their respective Unions.

  • Promoting a workplace free from any kind of harassment, exploitation, abuse or violence in accordance with the legislation in force.

  • Fighting against child labor and any types of employment practices that can be interpreted as equivalent to forced or compulsory labor.

  • Respecting the freedom association and collective bargaining in accordance with applicable local laws and establishing a constructive dialogue with trade union representatives.

  • Ensuring that every employee is treated in a fair and dignified manner. Any discriminatory practice based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, ethnicity, national origin, social background, financial situation, political opinion, disability, or any other basis shall not be tolerated. 


  • Providing all employees with the same growth opportunities.


Aware of all accidents can be avoided and that we are all responsible for their prevention, we are committed to:

Ensuring that no work is performed without proper evaluation of the Health and Safety aspects for the employees or service providers. With neither urgency, importance or other status being invoked to justify non-compliance with Occupational Health and Safety requirements.

Ensuring that employees have the right to representation in the occupational safety departments and to the Internal Accident Prevention Commission.

 Ensuring that the employee and service providers have the right to refuse or interrupt an activity considered to be of serious and/or imminent risk to their safety and health and/or their co-workers.

Continuously promoting the awareness and qualification in Occupational Health and Safety of the employees that provide services.

Complying with the current Health and Safety legislation, as well as the regulations subscribed by Vipal Rubber, by both employees and service providers.

Identifying, evaluating, controlling, and mitigating the Health and Safety risk factors for the people involved in Vipal Rubber processes, including those that can reach the population, in order to prevent accidents.

Promoting the continuous improvement of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, seeking to improve the quality of life, well-being of employees, providing a safe and healthy working environment, encouraging preventive behavior.


Although Vipal has greatly evolved and expanded its scopeof practice, its goal has remained the same: to extend the service life of the tyres. Sustainability is intrinsic to Vipal's business and it has been part of its DNA since its inception.
Aware of our pledge in preserving the environment we are committed to:

  • Protecting the environment through pollution prevention and mitigation of adverse environmental impacts generated in industrial operations.

  •  Complying with environmental legislation and other requirements applicable to the organization.

  • Developing products with better performance, durability and safety, optimizing the life cycle and consuming less natural resources.

  • Continuously improving the management system to increase environmental performance through efficient use of resources (water, electricity, fuels and material consumption); proper management of the generated waste.


Based on its values, the company commits to:

Seeking continuous improvement of products, processes, services and business management;

Meeting the stakeholders' requirements and provide customers with products and services that meet their needs and/or expectations.


Information Security seeks to protect against various types of threats to ensure business continuity, reduce risk exposure and increase opportunities of improvement in the Information Security Management System.

Vipal establishes its Information Security Policy, which must be fulfilled by its professionals, third parties, senior management and related stakeholders, in order to meet the following requirements:





Legal and contractual requirements;

and Continuous Improvement.